Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Making A User Manualy Open Xange

     In my post about Open Xange I talked about how you had to add a user manually, well this is how you do it.  Fist you type the command EDITOR=Kwrite visudo.  Then the sudoers file will open up in Kwrite.  Navigate down to the part that says %wheel    ALL=(ALL)        ALL and uncomment it (delete the # sign in front of it).  Save Your changes.  Next you will type the command
useradd -m -g users -G power,wheel -s /bin/bash (username).  If you want a password than type passwd (the username you chose before).  That's it. I don't know if that's the easiest way to add a user in Open Xange but that's the only way I know.

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