Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 7: Edubuntu

     Edubuntu is an educational distro made by Canonical (the makers of Ubuntu).  Though it is similar to Ubuntu it has so many more features so I thought I'd talk about Ubuntu's twin brother,  his fat twin brother. As you might notice, instead of Canonical's traditional 700MB live CD file, this is a monster at 2.7GB.  It's worth the extra wait for download though because it has so much more than Ubuntu.  Even if you are not into education this is still a way cool distro. The thing that really caught my eye is Orca.  Orca is a program that reads what's on your screen (ok you caught me I'm not blind).  But there is so much more.  The other thing that looked good was Pencil I didn't try it out yet but I might later (the thing is I'm not good at computer drawing).  Anyway this is a distro if you, one: are still in school, two: if you are bored of Ubuntu but don't want to try Arch Linux, or three: if you want a random voice to read what's on your screen.

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