Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 1: Fedora Linux

              Fedora is a pretty popular Linux distribution (distro).  It's kinda funky yet productive Linux that has a beautiful look to it.  It  has a DVD and a live CD version.  The live CD has a few programs already installed whereas the DVD you can choose which programs to install and which desktop environment to install in a nice GUI environment.  It's a great distro for beginners but to long time Linux users it gets kind of boring.  But there is something to say about Fedora.  It's the first Gnome distro I ever installed which made me fall in love with Gnomes beautiful menu.  Also it is the easiest distro to partition your HDD while installing.  It has easy ways to shrink partitions to make room and the install is easy.  If you accidentally do something wrong then just go back to the menu  and fix it and more likely than not (depending what you're working on)  when you go back to what you were working on it will still be there.  Overall this Linux gets 5 stars for "good beginner Linux" and "easy to use" where it only gets 2 stars for "good for advanced users" and "very customizable".  Over all if you're a Linux beginner this is one of the distros for you.

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