Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 22: Arch Linux Install Part 3

Step 18: Type pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-xinit.  Then
pacman -S xorg-twn xorg-xclock xorg-xterm.  Then startx you after that there should be lines of code running down the screen.  Next you will be at a graphical interface with three terminals.  Exit by pressing the top left one and typing exit.
Step 19: When you're out of there type EDITOR=nano visudo.  You will be at a text document scroll down to the part that says %wheel%    ALL=ALL    (ALL) and uncomment (delete the # sign in front of it) it.  Then useradd -m -g user -G storage,power,wheel -s /bin/bash (username) and 
passwd (username).
Step 20: Now is the time to pick your desktop environment.  To see desktop environment reviews view my previous posts and at this link.
Step 21: If you chose Xfce4 then you can just type startxfce4 to run it, but if you chose something else then you'll have to edit .xinitrc to do this type nano .xinitrc and uncomment your desktop.  Then to start that desktop type startx.

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