Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 21: Arch Linux Install Part 2

Step 12: You will have to set up internet now.  It can be different for different computers so look on the Arch Wiki for that.
Step 13: Type systemctl enable dhcpcd.  Then shutdown -p -h now.
Step 14: Type nano /etc/pacman.conf and uncomment (delete the # symbol) multilib and the include under it.  Only do this if you have 64 bit.  Then update server list with pacman -Syy then you should see mulilib at the end.
Step 15: Type pacman -S also-utils.  Then type alsamixer and you will be at a key interface controlling your sound.
Step 16: Go to your master sound and press m to unmute and then turn up all the way.  Then go to your PCM and press m to umute and turn it up all the way.  Then press Esc to exit.
Step 17: Type speaker-test -c2 you should here some noise it's not a nice noise but kind of a mmmmmrmmmrmmrmr.  Press Crtl+C to exit.

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