Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 20: Arch Linux Install Part 1

Step 1: Boot from the Arch Linux installation media (it's really standard Linux stuff so if you don't know just look up installation media. A lot of people just use CDs for installation media).
Step 2: It will load a bunch of files, just sit there and let it do it's thing.  After it's done loading you will be at a command prompt.
Step 3: You will need to test internet, to do that type ping  If you have internet it should send you back information about Google's signal.  If you don't have internet it should say
ping: unknown host. This will also happen if you type Google wrong.
Step 4: You will need to make partitions.  First type cfdisk.  It will send you to a key interface to partition.  Create 3 partitions: one swap (optional if you have a lot of  RAM), one for storing files and one for installing.  Make the swap and the installation bootable by pressing the bootable button.
Step 5: Exit and save cfdisk.  Then type mkfs.ext4 (partition your install files on it will start with /dev/sd). Do the same for your storage partition.  Type mkswap (on the partition you swap on if you have one).  Then swapon (on your swap partition).
Step 6: Type mount (installation partition)/mnt.  Then mkdir /mnt/home.  Then finally
mount (storage partition) /mnt/home.
Step 7: Type pacstrap /mnt base base-devel.  You have installed the base system.
Step 8: Type genfstab /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab.
Step 9: To get into your install type arch-chroot /mnt.  Then passwd and it will ask you for your root password.
Step 10: Type pacman -S grub-bios.  Then grub-install /dev/sd(hard disk will be no number after).  Then grub-mkconfig /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
Step 11: Type umount /mnt/home and umount /mnt

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